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By Rob Forchet
Have you discovered that you keep getting flu-like symptoms even when it appears as though the flu is not going around in your community? Do your sinus, allergy or cold symptoms seem to be immune to treatments? If you answer yes, then you might be experiencing toxic mold symptoms instead of the viral or bacterial illness you thought you had.
Toxic mold symptoms can be compared to as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Symptoms appear benign but can actually be a sign of a serious problem to your health. Toxic mold symptoms are often misdiagnosed by doctors because they’re unaware that you have been exposed to toxic mold. Few people experience toxic mold symptoms unless they have a mold infestation in their homes.
Seaching for the Truth
The majority of people who begin to experience toxic mold symptoms find themselves unsure about if they have mold in their homes. Just because you haven’t seen any, does not necessarily mean you don’t have a problem. To find out if you have a mold problem, you can ask and answer the following few questions.
– Do you have an earthy or musty smell anywhere in your home? The odor doesn’t need to be strong. Just a hint of the smell could be an indication of a mold outbreak.
– Do you get eye irritation, a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, dizziness, nausea or headaches when you visit certain rooms in your home?
If you answered yes to these two questions, then you probably have mold in your home. Next you need to check the level of humidity in your home. Mold likes moisture. Check your home’s ventilation as well to make sure it’s efficiently removing or circulating the air.
Treating Toxic Mold Symptoms
The best treatment for toxic mold symptoms is to completely remove the mold from your home permanently. Consider hiring a professional mold inspection company to examine your home and identify areas where mold growth is prevalent. This is the best option if you believe you have mold growth, but can’t see any. Mold can easily grow behind walls and above ceiling out of sight.
Toxic mold symptoms, if they’re not too severe, can be treated with over-the-counter headache pain relievers, nasal sprays and allergy medications. Medications for sinus problems work well too. If necessary, some doctors may prescribe anit-fungal medications that can help lessen the severity of toxic mold symptoms.
Don’t ignore the minor toxic mold symptoms. If unchecked, they could grow into something worse. Severe toxic mold symptoms inlcude memory loss, depression, mild dementia, bleeding lungs and hearing loss. Some to these toxic mold symptoms are extreme, but still a possibility that those who live in homes untreated for mold cannot ignore.
To further protect yourself and your family from toxic mold symptoms, consider purchasing an air filter to clean the indoor air. Do this only after the mold has been treated successfully. A HEPA air filter will collect dead mold spores which cause the minor and serious health problems mentioned earlier.
About the Author: Rob Forchet is helping to fight unwanted fungi with tips and information. More info about these creatures can be found on his
mold killer
webpage at
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